Offensive Security for Mobile Network Operators

Critical Infrastructure Security
Training & Security Leadership

Build Resiliency by Simulating Real-World Attacks and Gaining Insight Into Threats

January 22, 2024    

On Point: Offensive Security for Mobile Network Operators
Ian Keller, security director and CyberEdBoard executive member

As cyberthreats keep evolving, mobile network operators need offensive security to maintain resilience. Traditional security approaches, such as firewalls and encryption, are no longer sufficient on their own. Offensive security is proactive; it mimics the strategies of real attackers to stay ahead of potential threats.

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With offensive security, mobile network operators can identify, patch and fortify their networks against potential threats and ensure the uninterrupted delivery of communication services.

One of the primary advantages of offensive security is its ability to simulate real-world attack scenarios. Ethical hackers, armed with the same tools and techniques as malicious actors, conduct controlled penetration tests on the mobile network’s infrastructure. This gives MNOs valuable insights into the vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit to gain unauthorized access or compromise data.

The simulations are not limited to technical aspects alone; they extend to social engineering techniques and aim to expose potential weaknesses in human interactions within the organization and test every aspect of the MNO’s security posture.

Benefits of Offensive Security

Challenges of Offensive Security

The Cost of Security: Investment vs. Risk

Implementing offensive security measures requires a financial investment, but it is a strategic expenditure rather than a cost. The potential financial, reputational and operational consequences of a security breach far outweigh the resources invested in proactive security measures, and MNOs need to recognize that.

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